Karate is very useful for women/girls as a self-defense art and as a self-confidence booster. There is a steep rise in the number of women enrolling themselves in karate schools. Few techniques of karate require greater muscular strength and are not suitable for women thus women should choose the perfect technique that will suit and benefit them. Street karate is the most common version of karate chosen by women as this version of karate teaches them the best techniques for their kind of energy levels. Practicing karate shotokan kata routinely empowers women to pick up street karate effectively.


Street karate is not a style of karate but is a set of effective and powerful techniques for real life use against general acts of violence. Knowing about pressure points and the various techniques of mounting an attack against the right pressure point provides a level field against physically powerful male opponents. After all for women, it is the right technique which provides the best form of defense and not sheer power. Women practicing karate should focus on the below mentioned points to protect themselves from assaults.


  • Open hand techniques like palm-heel strike, elbow strike and knife-hand chop against exposed targets on the head and body.
  • Learn and practice Karate Shotokan kata which include techniques against various kinds of grabs, chokes, bear hugs and other usual acts of violence frequently being carried out against women. 
  • Boost your proficiency with pressure point strikes specially the ones that can make the assailant stumble in acute pain and momentarily disregard you. Your strike can also make him lose control of his limbs and thus make him immobile. 
  • Be trained to escape from the ground when being held down or pinned down. Once you get free, get up swiftly and keep up an excellent defensive posture.